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Supporting Learning Differences at GOS

Supporting Learning Differences at GOS

Author: Ms. Barbara Lima  ( Head of Learning Support including EAL )  Translator: Christy Chen

Learning is an exciting journey of self-discovery and exploration of the world which enables us to become creators of our own reality. It is an intriguing process that goes far beyond thinking and involves the whole child: their personality, the way they see the world, their culture and values, their personal story, their dreams and aspirations, their fears, and their self-perception.

This is why fostering self-confidence, supporting pupils in overcoming their particular challenges and identifying their gifts and talents are fundamental aspects of teaching them how to learn. By learning how to learn, children acquire invaluable tools they will carry along their life-long learning journey, turning them into powerful independent learners.


Guided by that principle, our Learning Support Department has at the core of its mission student empowerment through the recognition, appreciation and support of their individual learning differences, which we cultivate as assets they can build upon rather than limitations in their journey. Our aim is to support the whole child by exploring their strengths, interests, particular challenges, talents and the activities that inspire them as a transformational platform which will allow them to build resilience, and realize and reach their full potential.


Through regular assessment for learning, classroom accommodations, in-class support, as well as one-on-one sessions and the fostering of close relationships between the members of our department, teachers and parents, we create a strong network in order to provide our pupils with the development of individualized educational plans catered according to their needs, and the support they need to flourish.


Learning is more effective and meaningful when we help learners become aware of their own learning processes and when we allow them to be appreciated and empowered in their individuality. At GOS we are proud of being able to welcome and support diverse ways of learning and, as a result, help create a world in which, because of our differences, together we thrive.
